All too often a difference is made between reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, most often to elevate the status of reconstructive surgery and lower the one of cosmetic surgery. I am a cosmetic surgeon and I do complex reconstrucive surgery. So I never could understand how someone could come up with something so artificial, neither based […]
Options in Breast Reconstruction
Breast cancer affects one out of eight women over their life time in the US. All current treatment strategies have a surgical component, which ranges from a lumpectomy to a modified radical mastectomy. As a consequence, different degrees of deformity arise, from mild asymmetry to complete absence of both breasts. The physical deformity has a […]
Short Scar Breast Reduction in Trinidad
Short scar breast reduction in Trinidad provides a vertical scar and a vertical concept – the entire movement of the breast is in an upward direction. Projection of the breast is also increased and the shape becomes more conical, closer to a youthful ideal. Shorter scars mean improved appearance and shorter recovery.